You should be seeing your dentist at least twice a year as part of your oral health maintenance. Although it can be challenging to find time for an appointment with busy schedules, these appointments are crucial to having your best and healthiest smile. Once you have your appointment, here is a list of things you should do before you go to your appointment from Dr. Christy Fortney at Hidden Valley Orthodontics.

You should see your dentist twice a year for check-ups. It is important that you have the necessary items for your appointment and also make a list of any questions or concerns you may have to make the most of your appointment time. Read below about how best to prepare for your dental visit.

Dental visits are vitally important for your oral health. Be sure to schedule them at least twice a year. If you follow this simple checklist, you will be totally prepared for your upcoming dental appointment! If you have any questions about your dental health, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

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