Your mouth is a very sensitive area. While braces are not painful, it is also not uncommon to feel a little discomfort after your braces have been tightened. Everyone is different, but most of the time the discomfort one will feel (if any) is a mild soreness that will go away in a day or two. However, no need to be concerned if you are experiencing any soreness, as fortunately there are many options to help ease discomfort while in braces. Here is some advice from Dr. Christy Fortney at Hidden Valley Orthodontics that can help ease your discomfort:
Stick to Soft Foods
Soft foods like mashed potatoes and applesauce are great options when you are experiencing any mouth discomfort. When you initially get your braces, soft foods are a great option for the first couple of days. Then, on each day that you go in for a tightening, it is smart to stick to a soft food diet.
Wax Up!
Your orthodontist’s office gives you wax for a reason! You can use this wax to cover a bracket or hook that’s rubbing or causing any discomfort. Don’t be stingy with it! And, never hesitate to ask your orthodontist for more wax if you run out.
Over the Counter Relief
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil, Aleve, and Ibuprofen may be taken to help alleviate any pain or discomfort. Please consult the directions on the back of the bottle or your general practitioner for safe dosage amounts and instructions. If these pain relievers are not proving to be effective, contact your orthodontist to see what other suggestions they may have.
Keep Your Hands Away
While it can be tempting, don’t pick at your braces. Playing with and potentially damaging any of the hardware in your mouth can greatly increase your treatment time. You can always schedule an appointment with your orthodontist to resolve any appliance or hardware that’s bothering you.
If you are beginning treatment, keep in mind the worst of the discomfort takes place at the start. So don’t get discouraged, the discomfort only lessens from here! Additionally, a little soreness is so worth it to get the beautiful smile that you deserve. As always, never hesitate to contact our office with any questions or concerns about your discomfort or treatment!